Introducing Kasttle is a handwritten font with modern style.
It is perfect for logo/branding projects, wedding invitation and many more.
Files Includes :
- Kasttle.otf
- Kasttle.ttf
Hope you like it!
Lattiefa is a great font for your project. This font made with simple, casual and elegant taste, comes with a natural touch, ligatures & beautiful swashes. Lattiefa is perfect for logos, wedding invitations, social media posts, signatures and much more!
Included :
– Lattiefa TTF
– Lattiefa OTF
– Lattiefa WOFF
Foreign languages support : ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions!
Thank you for your purchase and have a wonderful day,
AEN Creative Studio
SB Censor originally came out of a project centered around the theme of censorship in cinema. The treatment of the letterforms was created in Quark XPress using the built-in strikethrough text styling, which was applied to each letter individually. The individual letters were distributed in a monospaced, grid-like fashion with some letters appearing reversed out of a box and others on their own. SB Censor is this graphic treatment presented as a typeface and consists of two styles, a cameo version and the standalone version. The combination of the wide monospacing and the square background block give this typeface a lot of potential for playful layouts, especially when used with in combination with colour.
Introducing Vanetta, a modern script font with a lot of alternates character and unique flourish.
This font is perfect for logotype creation, lettering compositions, wedding invitations, fashion projects, book design cover, magazines typography, cards, packagings, posters, branding and more.
Come with Opentype feature with a lot of alternates, its help you to make great lettering. This font is also support multi language.
To access the alternate glyphs, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Indesign and Corel Draw.
In Zip Package :
- Vanetta otf
- Vanetta ttf
- Vanetta woff
Comes with feature :
- Uppercase
- Lowercase
- Alternate
- Number, Punctuation And Symbols
- Multilanguage Support.
If you have any questions, feedback or comments, please feel free to send me a PM.
Happy Creating!
PutraCetol Design Studio
Give your designs an authentic handcrafted feel. "Birch Candles" is perfectly suited to signature, stationery, logo, typography quotes, magazine or book cover, website header, clothing, branding, packaging design and more. Included Ligatures.
Font Available:
- Birch Candles (OTF)
- Birch Candles (TTF)
- Birch Candles (WEB FONT)
Thanks for use this font ~ Maulana
Quick Race - Natural Brushed Script Font
Suitable for any design needs : logo, branding, modern advertising design, logos, poster quote, book / cover Title, editorial design, card, custom mug, pillow, t-shirts, and any hand-lettered needs.
That's it! and have fun with Quick Race. Thank you!
Typia Nesia Std
Luxury Quality Font is a new elegant and classy monoline script font.
It is perfect for your up coming projects. Such as modern design, branding, stationery design, blog design, modern advertising design, card invitation, art quote, home decor, book/cover title, special events ( wedding, birthday, etc ), and any more modern elegant design.
Luxury Quality (.ttf + .otf) comes with upper and lowercase Standard Characters, Punctuation, Numerals. And other Glyphs variation of the OpenType features such as Standard Ligature, Stylistic Alternate and Stylistic Set. PUA Encode Characters, fully accessible without additional design software. and includes a range of multilingual characters.
Grab it today and have fun with Luxury Quality Font. Thank you!
Typia Nesia Std
Esther Ibrahimova
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