[tcovx] Download Highes Signature fonts from Lemonthe Type

Highes Signature
Highes Signature Highes SignatureHighes Signature

Highes Signature is a beautiful and flowing script font with a modern style. This gentle font will look gorgeous on a variety of design ideas. This font is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the glyphs and swashes with ease!

Highes SignatureDownload NowView Gallery

[cziok] Download Kid Stories | Fun fonts from Darwinoo

Kid Stories | Fun
Kid Stories | Fun Kid Stories | Fun Kid Stories | Fun

Introducing a new fancy pen sketch style font. This font will cute to cute theme in your books, magazine, flyer, YouTube thumbnail, etc.

This font contain 290 glyph, supported to Latin, Eastern Europe, and Turkish characters.

Happy creating!

Kid Stories | Fun Download NowView Gallery

[yumzt] Download Crimson Queen - Modern Serif fonts from Rillatype

Crimson Queen - Modern Serif
Crimson Queen - Modern Serif Crimson Queen - Modern SerifCrimson Queen - Modern Serif

Introducing, Crimson Queen! Crimson Queen is a modern serif font with condesed style and clean look. this font is perfect for any of your project such as headline, logo, book, magazine, movie, etc. This font also comes with multilingual support.

Crimson Queen - Modern SerifDownload NowView Gallery

[nadog] Download CHRISTMAS FONTBUNDLE fonts from Letterafa Studio




All Collections Christmas Bundle is a collection of my fonts. 90+ font (56 typeface) of lovely fonts in 1 package which contains modern calligraphy/script fonts, handwritten font and display font. I sell at special prices from a total of $900. it's all just for you.

All Collections Christmas Bundle is fonts by Letterafa Studio. It has flowing letters that will give your designs a unique and sweet look. that font is perfect for ; logos, greeting cards, a package design, a brand identity, craft design, any DIY project, book title, wedding invitation, packaging, and more.


[pqyhl] Download Moviecal fonts from Allouse Studio

Moviecal MoviecalMoviecal

Introducing by Allouse.Studio

Proudly Present, Moviecal

Moviecal is a Handlettered Brush Font

Moviecal is perfect for product packaging, branding project, megazine, social media, wedding, or just used to express words above the background.

This font includes OTF&TTF&Woff, Moviecal also multilingual support.

Enjoy the font, feel free to comment or feedback, send me PM or email.

[msbbx] Download Sommar Display fonts from Maulana Creative

Sommar Display
Sommar Display Sommar Display Sommar Display

Sommar is a super strong compressed font. With high legibility structure letter form. To give you an extra creative work. Sommar font support multilingual more than 100+ language. This font is good for logo design, Social media, Movie Titles, Books Titles, a short text even a long text letter and good for your secondary text font with script or signature typeface. Make a stunning work with Sommar font. 

What you get:
- Sommar (OTF)
- Sommar (TTF)


[xsfsm] Download Gracias fonts from Zaenal Studio

Gracias Gracias Gracias

Gracias is a fun and playful display font. With its modern and chunky characters, this typeface would make a great choice for book titles, magazines, children’s notebooks, apparel designs, games, and so much more!