Futuristic Signature fonts from Perspectype - (ruwce)

Futuristic Signature
Futuristic Signature Futuristic SignatureFuturistic Signature

Futuristic Signature is a beautiful and refined script font. It has a classy, elegant and modern look that can be used for logos, branding, invitations, stationery, wedding designs, social media posts, and much more!

Futuristic SignatureDownload NowView Gallery

Tametogde fonts from Perspectype - (qdwbn)

Tametogde TametogdeTametogde

Tametogde is a cursive and bold brushed script font. This font is neatly crafted and highly detailed. Whatever the topic, this font will be a wonderful asset to your font library, as it has the potential to enhance any creation. This font is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the glyphs and swashes with ease!

Cardrone fonts from Perspectype - (fgsit)

Cardrone CardroneCardrone

Cardrone is a cursive and bold brushed script font. This font is neatly crafted and highly detailed. Whatever the topic, this font will be a wonderful asset to your font library, as it has the potential to enhance any creation.

Rotterdam fonts from JunCreative - (orhpp)

Rotterdam RotterdamRotterdam

Rotterdam is a romantic and sweet calligraphy typeface with characters that dance along the baseline. It will add a luxury spark to any design project that you wish to create! This font is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the amazing glyphs and ligatures with ease!

Baby Kiano Duo fonts from JunCreative - (mabzh)

Baby Kiano Duo
Baby Kiano Duo Baby Kiano Duo Baby Kiano Duo

Baby Kiano Duo is a lovely handwritten and sans serif combination. Expertly designed to make your creation look out of this world, this font will look gorgeous on a variety of ideas. Baby Kiano Duo is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the glyphs and swashes with ease!

Shandora a Modern & Classy Serif fonts from Vilogsign - (ocuty)

Shandora a Modern & Classy Serif
Shandora a Modern & Classy Serif Shandora a Modern & Classy Serif Shandora a Modern & Classy Serif

Introducing "Shandora" a Modern Serif Typeface Font!!!

Made with very serious With altenative make to make this font unique, chic, beautiful So perfect for your need.
This font is very good with multilingual support to complete your need.
Very suitable to make a branding, Poster, magazine, greeting card, fashion, quotes, logo, packaging, and other.

- Shandora (otf, ttf, woff)
- Multilingual support
- Ligature
- Alternative

Hope you enjoy it!
Thanks so much for checking out my portfolio! and feel free to drop me a message if you had any question

Shandora a Modern & Classy Serif Download NowView Gallery

Bearetta fonts from Almarkha type - (junuf)

Bearetta BearettaBearetta

Introducing Bearetta - Authentic Handwritten Ligature Script is a Quality script that is written casually and quickly has many alternative letters, with a front and back tail that adds to a more attractive appearance.

Bearetta is perfect for homeware designs,branding projects, Logo, design, Quotes, Product packaging, Photography, Watermark 

What's Included :

+ Bearetta (OTF/TTF)
+ Standard glyphs
+ Alternate glyphs
+ Ligatures
+ Web Font
+ Works on PC & Mac
+ Simple installations\
Accessible in the Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even work on Microsoft Word.
PUA Encoded Characters - Fully accessible without additional design software.
Fonts include multilingual support
Image used : All photographs/pictures/vector used in the preview are not included, they are intended for illustration purpose only.

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Thank You.