Hollowsky - Signature Script fonts from Letterhend - (isreg)

Hollowsky - Signature Script
Hollowsky - Signature Script Hollowsky - Signature ScriptHollowsky - Signature Script

Introducing, Hollowsky - A beautiful signature script based on manual hand writing. The stylistic alternate, ligatures and the rough texture make this font looks a real hand writing instead of typing a font. This type of font perfectly made to be applied especially in logo, and the other various formal forms such as invitations, labels, logos, magazines, books, greeting / wedding cards, packaging, fashion, make up, stationery, novels, labels or any type of advertising purpose.

Features :

We highly recommend using a program that supports OpenType features and Glyphs panels like many of Adobe apps and Corel Draw, so you can see and access all Glyph variations.

Hollowsky - Signature ScriptDownload NowView Gallery

Kitto Katto Cat Duo with Bonus fonts from wyarecreatype - (puxhu)

Kitto Katto Cat  Duo with Bonus
Kitto Katto Cat  Duo with Bonus Kitto Katto Cat  Duo with BonusKitto Katto Cat  Duo with Bonus

This doodle bold font duo can create some fun & playful character on your design. This duo typeface regular and outline come with uppercase, lowercase, punctuation, numbers, and multilingual. Perfect for DIY projects, kids-showers, nursery art, cards, invitations, greeting cards, identities, packaging designs, cases, photos, posters, bags, wall art, logos, quotes, blogs, websites, banners, clothes and more.

Extra come with 3 hand-made cat characters and 1 seamless pattern. TTF, OTF, WOFF files are included. I've so much fun designing this typeface, hope you also get more fun using it.


Kitto Katto Cat Duo with BonusDownload NowView Gallery

Mylofist Handwritten Script fonts from Maulana Creative - (tygnu)

Mylofist Handwritten Script
Mylofist Handwritten Script Mylofist Handwritten Script Mylofist Handwritten Script

Mylofist is casual handwritten font, with high contrast clean stroke, upright and fun character. It has Opentype features ligatures of character, To give you an extra creative work. Mylofist handwritten font support multilingual more than 100+ language. This font is good for logo design, Social media, Movie Titles, Books Titles, a short text even a long text letter and good for your secondary text font with sans or serif. Make a stunning work with Mylofist font. 

Font Include:
- Mylofist (OTF)
- Mylofist (OTF)


Mylofist Handwritten Script Download NowView Gallery

Dankfield - Modern Condensed fonts from Letterhend - (oqwqg)

Dankfield - Modern Condensed
Dankfield - Modern Condensed Dankfield - Modern Condensed Dankfield - Modern Condensed

Introducing, Dankfield. A modern display typeface with high contrast and condensed style, very suitable for futuristic and techno theme. This font perfectly made to be applied especially in logo, and the other various formal forms such as invitations, labels, magazines, books, greeting / wedding cards, packaging, fashion, make up, stationery, novels, labels or any type of advertising purpose.

Features :

We highly recommend using a program that supports OpenType features and Glyphs panels like many of Adobe apps and Corel Draw, so you can see and access all Glyph variations.

Dankfield - Modern Condensed Download NowView Gallery

Vanilla Machiato fonts from manjalistudio - (alczr)

Vanilla Machiato
Vanilla Machiato Vanilla MachiatoVanilla Machiato

Vanilla Macchiato is a lovely and cursive script font, featuring well balanced characters. This font is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the glyphs and swashes with ease! Fall in love with its incredibly versatile style and use it to create spectacular designs!

Vanilla MachiatoDownload NowView Gallery

Babylone Script fonts from Almeera_Std - (lddef)

Babylone Script
Babylone Script Babylone ScriptBabylone Script

Babylone is a modern calligraphy with many alternative styles, this font looks natural, elegant and perfect for any extraordinary project.Babylone is suitable for various products such as invitations, product packaging, quotes, product design, crafter, labels, photography, watermarks, logos & branding and very suitable for design Valentine day, mother day, wedding, spring, christmas, etc.Everything Stylistic Altternate can be accessed using software that supports Opentype, such as Adobe Indesign, Adobe CS Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop CC, and Corel Draw or I have provided OTF & TTF for swash and stylistic alternates.

You will get:

Babylone OTF , TTF & WOFF

Thank you & Happy design.

Speed Rush - A Car Racing Display fonts from Pixesia Studio - (auyxx)

Speed Rush - A Car Racing Display
Speed Rush - A Car Racing Display Speed Rush - A Car Racing Display Speed Rush - A Car Racing Display

Introducing Speed Rush - A Car Racing Display Font

Speed Rush is an assertive and modern display font that oozes strength and toughness. It suits perfectly any racing theme or online game. Have fun with this beautiful font and explore its endless variations.

- Uppercase and Lowercase letters
- Numbering and Punctuations
- Multilingual Support
- Works on PC or Mac
- Simple Installation
- Support Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, also works on Microsoft Word

Hope you Like it.

Speed Rush - A Car Racing Display Download NowView Gallery